Bar Milese

About us

Opposite the port of Alghero, on the Italian island of Sardinia, Bar Milese is a compulsory stop-off for those strolling along the Garibaldi seafront: make your mouth water at the prospect of the fragrant and rightly renowned Focaccia del Milese®, also known as the Focaccia Sarda Ripiena® or Sardinian filled focaccia! Since 1971, our famous Focacce Sarde Ripiene® have been delighting the palate of visitors with their inimitable taste and unmistakable fragrance.

But what exactly is the “Focaccia del Milese®” ?

Put simply, it’s a large piece of thin bread, more or less rectangular in shape. It is cut into two parts, and the lower half is then adorned with a layer of sliced fresh tomatoes, a layer of tuna, some hard-boiled eggs chopped into pieces, a few anchovies, a layer of rocket salad, a layer of thinly sliced onions and, last but by no means least, a layer of pancetta (cured belly of pork).

All of these layers are seasoned with a special sauce created by Signora Maria, who – to this day ­– makes the sauce herself and keeps its secret secret! This half of the focaccia, laden with all its ingredients, is put back together with the other half to make the filled focaccia, which is promptly cut into equal slices and served as “Focaccia del Milese®“. The entire preparation process described above is carried out right in front of the customers as they await the arrival of this wonderful all-Italian delight.